Lucy Smallbone
25 Oct - 15 Dec 2018
British Artist Lucy Smallbone's second ever solo exhibition, Edgelands, opens to the public on 25 October and runs until 15 December 2018 at Fiumano Clase, Unit 12, 21 Wren Street, London WC1X 0HF.
Smallbone specialises in modern landscape painting and creates works which investigate the effect of memory in altering our perceptions of a place. She uses bold colour and abstract form to merge fictional and real spaces, creating vivid yet distorted images. The title for the exhibition, 'Edgelands', describes the transitional, liminal areas of space to be found on the boundaries between man-made and natural environments. Smallbone uses "this feeling of never truly having access to the landscape to reflect something that is felt in moments of the sublime in nature."
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